Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday and all's well.

Caleb was blissfully ontime for school. In kid language that means he had time to run around crazy before the bell for class. And today, they are actually going to the Imagine Children's Museum in Everett for a field trip. He was really excited, which was a big rebound from thinking he wasn't going to go because he had forgotten to bring home and return the permission slip. I had the parent-teacher conference yesterday and it was brought up much to my surprise. So I got the paperwork taken care of then, but perhaps cruelly let him bring it up later so that he would understand the consequences of not bringing home work/papers. I hope that he learns his lesson with something like this before the issue is really big later. He was still tearful that neither Mike nor I could accompany him, but I explained that that was also a consequence of not bringing home the work he should have. He seemed to understand that he had made the choice and now he just has to stay close to his chaperone. So it's a 2pm pick up for him today.

As to the results of the parent-teacher conference... He has shown some areas of improvement, and some area's that are confusing as to why they slid back a bit. He went from being about to count to 21 to 43. His reading comprehension showed improvement, though the teacher admitted that the first test was taken in a group and the second was one-on-one which may mean more focus and better results. He can comprehend and complete patterns very well. His handwriting has improved and shifted to using the lower case letters; we are also working on this at home with the piano and stregnthening his hands. He knows his letters, though still turns a few of them backwards. At home however, it did take well over 30 minutes and help to get the lower case written out. I find that the Font that the paperwork chooses sometimes confuses Caleb, like the small t, with it's little tail... to him he starts thinking it's a j. The teacher seemed to say that Caleb wants to be right so badly, that often he chooses to copy other's rather than act independently. He also sees everything very black and white/right and wrong and tries to get others to follow along with what's right. (Gee, wonder where he got that???! :) ) He is caring for others and tries to adapt so the seat changes that occur every week now. Caleb has also discovered soccer, not that the teacher told us, it's just something he finally talks about. And of course, he has been discussing/planning/inviting (and dis-inviting Jockey each time he's mad) from his birthday party... for the last 2 months! I finally told him to stop talking about it until April 15th! Didn't work by the way.

Jockey, still 3 and crazy as ever. *TMI warning* I want him to learn to wipe, but NOOO, he just "assumes the position" most often leaning into the bathtub and waits for me and hollers until I get there. He's in love with showers. He wants to be a superhero. He's still whinny, but is also picked on a bunch. He's starting to put his socks on by himself, but WANTS us to do it... a battle every morning. He's still not such a great eater at the table... but would each 3-4 apples a day and a carrot too if I let him. This morning in the car, after dropping Caleb off, he saw the crossing guard and their flag... he says to me "S-T-O-P, stop." I'm thinking WOW, hello, WOW. Did you read that buddy? "No, it's just in my brain." Do you know why you go to school? No. To put more stuff in your brain. We were a bit early today, he joyfully played in their art/messy room. Water and a turkey baster were the focus catchers of the day.

Tonight we will be going to dinner at Grandpa Dahl and Grammy Dahl's house. We will see Cousin Tessa, Kristina (I don't know about Ryan). Jockey will spend the night with Grammy and Daddy will bring him home after work tomorrow. Should be good. He is so different by himself. He talks alot, and will also sit and draw by himself, and talk to himself. Very different from Caleb who wants to be entertained by others.

Have a great Tuesday!

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