Thursday, October 16, 2008

Field trips completed!

Mike took Caleb and it turned out ok. He was watching 4 kids and basically came back with the idea that Caleb is 100% normal in his even bad behavior. Although, he was mostly really good today. It did drizzle on them, and Mike came home tired, BUT they did have fun and pick out pumpkins and ride the rides. Everyone came home without injury so it was a good trip.

Joshy and I went to "the Farm", his first field trip ever. It tried to drizzle on us and the wind did pick up... BUT Joshy also found a delightful pumpkin. At first he wanted a green pumpkin, then he wanted an orange one, and finally he decided and picked right off the vine an orangy-yellow pumpkin. He was really excited and intent on choosing the perfect one, although his idea of perfect his very unique. He liked the slide in the hay barn, we went thorugh a hay maze, a petting zoo to include puppies and kittens, went on a tractor wagon and wrapped up with ice cream (interesting despite the weather, but so be it.) He kept running off, but in the end he did have fun and I was glad to be there to wrangle him. It was a good time all in all.

I'll have to post pictures when I get them transferred out of the camera. Look for those soon.

Right now, I'm going to finally eat dinner. I had to help with Awana tonight and so I'm alot tired and didn't get a chance to eat until now. So that's what I'm going to do.

I bid you "have a great weekend", if I don't update again.

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