Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Thursday, the week is almost over for most of you. This is Caleb's last day this week due to conferences. And Mike's last day too as scheduling turned out. I have to work Saturday and go to the conference tomorrow, but that's manageable. I'm looking forward to seeing how Caleb is doing in school both behaviorly and academically. Especially since we had a darn near intervention with him eariler this month.
The sun looks like it is going to come out strong today (strong for an October day, but nice anyway). The boys and I took advantage of the weather yesterday and went for a walk. We were cut short at our time at the park because the little man decided to have an accident. I'm hoping that walking home nearly a mile in wet pants was a good reminder as to why not to have accidents. We'll see.
We also updated the boys vaccines yesterday. It is unfortunate that they now know the place and specific room that they get shots in, because now they are a little nervous with just being there. Caleb only got nervous when they actually went to stick him. Joshy we had to hold down and restrain. 4 minutes later they were picking out stickers and wiping tears away, but still it was hard to do this to them.
Caleb got a new Bible, it is actually really really cool. He's very excited and that's part of what made the decision. This one should last him until I get the mature 2 decade long Bible for him. This one has COOL pictures, commentary, quotes, etc. And it's appropriately named (to match it's themed decor) The Adventure Bible. He's very interested in it. Joshy was also really excited to get a Bible, which was actually the reason I started looking at Bibles to begin with. But when I started looking, I realized that if I got him a Bible now, he can't read so he needs pictures mostly. And by the time that he can read, I'd LOVE (say that again LOVE) to get him the Adventure Bible for Early Readers. He was clinging to it in the store and already had sat down and was looking and flipping pages to look and discover. Maybe for his 4 yr old birthday or something. However, one expensive kid Bible is all we could spring for, and since Caleb is now requested to bring a Bible to Awana, I thought that he would find excitement and enduring interest if he was exposed a little further. Caleb generously offered Joshy his old Bible, which would be ok for just reading since I do that, but we went to Value Village to see what their selection was. Mike purchased another book and they ended up giving him Joshy's selected children's Bible for Free! Good price for the little boy who would carry it around with him EVERYWHERE if he was allowed (this one is not the pocket new testaments he had been glued to). So everyone was happy yesterday. Daddy got a Bible, Caleb got a screaming neat Bible, Joshy got one. (I'm a traditionalist when it comes to Bibles, I cling to my long enduring NKJV, highlighted and covered in notes of my personal thoughts and growth Bible like a warm cozy, iron clad blanket and solid ground for my feet. 3 yrs ago Tigger chew my 2 decade old Bible to pieces, it's the one time in my life I thought I was capable of murder.... and I still keep the pieces! So I'm happy with the old reliable 3 yr new Bible.)

Lastly, I'd like to share something that was just emailed to me:

The music alone was worth watching for me! I'd love to know what it is, anyone a music expert?

*** Read no further if you're sensitive ***
Anyway, I heard yesterday that whatever is on the web is accessible by all. So this is the largest forum for my voice and I want to do my part.
I say "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" found in the book of Joshua (ironically enough) in the Bible. And to that I would as that if I care about people then when I vote, I will vote in a way that will effect the greatest good and for persons' with stregnth of character and consistency. For me, I'm adamantly opposed to socialism, terrorist affiliations, and the crushing tax burdens; I will therefore will vote for patriotism and for individuals who living according to their values (not just talk about it) in McCain/Palin.

Thinking on Caleb's stregnth when he spoke to the man in the store about Halloween (and it turns out he spoke out to some waitress too), there are times I need to learn from the simplicity of a child. What is wrong with me that I wouldn't share what I should when a child is willing to share. He showed courage as a child, why should I be a cowardly adult? When did I out grow my courage? No more, and thank you Caleb for the lesson.

On the lighter side: From an 8 yr old girl "I want to be an adult because then candy and tv aren't bad for you anymore."
We have shut off the TV in our house. Not 100% TV free, but at least after 5pm for 95% of the time. A huge improvement in several areas of life.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

I kept reading because I'm not overly sensitive about what I read; I read all kinds of different viewpoints with interest, and I'm interested in what you have to say, even when we disagree, because I value you as a person.

It is no secret to either of us that we have different political and religious beliefs, and I am grateful that we can enjoy one another despite those differences, accepting one another with love. I think that it's important to look for the common ground, and I think that we have a lot of common ground in this statement of yours:

And to that I would as that if I care about people then when I vote, I will vote in a way that will effect the greatest good and for persons' with stregnth of character and consistency.

The outcome of our votes will be different, though I think it's important to note that we will be voting on the same core beliefs: we both look at the greatest good, and I think that is even more important than a debate about what that good might be.

Fortunately, in families, we don't have to debate these things and declare a victor - boy would that be divisive! Instead, it will go to a vote, and we will each live with the consequences of that vote, whether we perceive the outcome as good or bad.

And most fortunately of all, we can continue to love one another, in spite of these differences, remembering that we BOTH care about the good of our world and of our country, and that we both hold high values in our hearts. On both sides, our intentions are excellent, and I think that counts for something.