Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Well, yesterday was a beautiful sunny if cool day. And to treat every nice day as if it was the last because it very well could be, we met a couple of Caleb pre-K school buddies. He hasn't seen these buddies since July and it was very cool to finally meet up with them. Even Joshy gave them big hugs and said he missed them, cute. The pumpkin patch was more than just a patch. They had a big corral of corn to dive into, a hay bale maze that ended in a slide, they had excavators to dig with, a hay jump area, animals to pet, pig show, a swing set, duck races, and of course pumpkins in the fields. We were there for 3 hours of fun!

All the activities wore Caleb and Josh out. And then I noticed that Caleb felt hot at about 8pm. Sure enough, 100.8. So we loaded him up with medicine and have checked him all through the night (because he is our high fever kid). He is still warm this morning but better. So no school. He actually thinks his buddy Collin coughed in his face and got him sick. This is Caleb's first illness since last spring/late winter. I guess that I'll be plunging sooner than I thought into the the pile of $70 worth (only paid $5.89) of cough and cold supplies that I picked up. We will be spending a slow day at home today trying to get Caleb well. He's still sleeping even now.

So that's what new in our zoo. TTFN.

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