Friday, October 24, 2008

It's the weekend!

The vaccines I went forward with against my better judgement. Mostly just to go with the mainstream flow for school and not be a problem. But the vaccine took it's toll on Joshy. Thursday early evening he developed a fever. Mostly he just wanted to lay down, hold still and sleep. He woke up at 2:30 in the morning and came into my room to cuddle. He was really hot, and when I got up to take his temperature and get him medicine, he thought it was time to get up, eat, and be as chattery as a monkey. He just went on and on and on and on, he went from one subject to the next without stopping. I just got to the point that I decided that I should just record it. I've always know Joshy was more talkative than Caleb, but this really was a vivid example of his speaking and subject variety. I would have like to share them, but they took forever (over half hour) to even give me an error... thus too big to share. But it was funny no less.

Gratefully, Friday midday found Josh back at a normal temperature and activity level.

I'm already looking ahead at the holiday season. We are going to try to squeeze in so much that I have to plan or something gets left out. We are, of course, going to get our very affordable $10 (plus gas) tree in the forest this year again (12/6); it's always night and fun day of family & forest adventure. We would like to get to Leavenworth for their city/tree lighting(12/19,20?), and this year we also hope to get to Warm Beach for the Lights of Christmas (12/13,19,or 21?)... we were rained out last year on the night we had planned to go. I'm hoping for better weather this time because it is such a nice safe, no huge crowds or cars, Christmasy feeling place with it's lights, animals, carolers, storytimes. With those three activities, that eats up December weekends before Christmas for us. And my hope is that we might get to California right after Christmas, but I have to watch airfares for that plan's feasability.

With all the "turn off the TV" time, we are finding ourselves playing board games more. Scrabble is the current addiction. Sure, we could be cleaning SOMETHING, organizing/planning SOMETHING, but we are spending the time doing things together.

Today Mike has begun and hopes to finish installing a new toilet. When the old one was out, Joshy finally admitted what was wrong with the toilet. Lets just say, that was one expensive and time consuming toy dinosaur. I thought we had made it safely out of this common pitfall of childhood, but no.. the dino ate my toilet.

On that note, it's time to go eat lunch. Have a great weekend.

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