Monday, December 26, 2005

Back from Christmas with more stories/memories than I can remember.

First I should tell you the pre-Christmas stories of the shopping trip Caleb and Mike went on. They went to the mall on Friday, from what Mike said, Caleb was a wonderful angel of a little boy. Caleb held Mike's hand when asked and otherwise, he rode on Mike's shoulder, and he ate a good lunch. But even more than that... They shopped together, Caleb apparently want to buy me jewelery because he kept pointing at the cases and saying "pretty, mommy". Mike told Caleb to wait a few years before setting that precedent, which the sales clerks heard and laughed in agreement.
They were also looking for something that they couldn't quite find; Mike made the comment to Caleb that they would have to find someone to help them. Caleb walked up to a young 20's lady and started slapping her bottom. She was quite shocked until she saw it was a little boy trying to ask her for help; Mike had to explain to him that she didn't work there. Just a simple funny case of mistaken identity I guess.
Later, they were at Costco. Caleb started acting up a little because he was tired. Mike told him emphatically to sit down in the cart. Caleb climbed into the proper child seat, held out the ends of the safety belt to Mike and then put his hands in his lap. That's all good, but what really funny to hear was he started telling other people that he was a good boy.
The last story Mike relayed to me requires that you know that this is a new pattern/infatuation of Caleb's.... HE wants to pay! He was in one store and insisted that he pay with the plastic; he got to hold the card and was very insistent on which clerk he handed the card to, too bad it wasn't the clerk who was ringing them up... so the one that he handed the card to had to leave her customer to come over to the register and swipe the card and hand it back. But Caleb now has the Swiping down. He was sitting in a cart and on the push rail of the cart Caleb was swiping the card on the little groove between the metal of the cart and plastic on the hand rail. I can just picture it, and it brings a chuckle to thing of it.

One of the gifts that Mommy and Daddy purchased for Caleb this Christmas was a real, see through coin jar... He got out his old peanut can and transfered all the money. Grandpa Dahl asked Caleb what he was going to buy with it... of all things... Caleb said "slurpee". That's my boy!!! He didn't say toys, ball, truck, but slurpee. We all laughed at that one. At least he is learning he needs to pay, and some day that will be true at the store and he will pick something out and use his own money. I actually look forward to that lesson.

Caleb got only 4 toys from his parents, but don't feel bad for this poor boy. He was slathered with generousity by EVERYONE else. Josh even got him a toy! He has got so much, I don't know what to do with it all. And he has given each toy an unexpected amount of focused time and attention. I can't exactly tell what is his favorite because he plays with them all. He doesn't really care about the clothes that Mommy and Daddy bought him, but what little boy is in to clothes; we appreciate him having the clothes though! THANK YOU to ALL of YOU for EVERYTHING that you blessed my sons with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He really likes every toy that he has received, which isn't a foregone conclusion when shopping for a two year old! So consider each toy a success, and Caleb (and his parents) want to extend a very grateful hug of appreciation to all.

Mike and I would like to also say thank you for the items that you all so thoughtfully blessed us with. We will enjoy the gifts, but not as much as we enjoy the wonderful people in our family that gave to us.

Caleb really got into the ripping of the paper this year. Again, "that's my boy" came into effect when frequently he would rip the paper off and run to the garbage to throw that piece away. I love the clean trend that he is showing. Caleb also pleased me that he wasn't exhibiting any greedy tendencies. (I know I should be grateful for that this year, because next year is probably going to be a whole different story!) He also liked sharing the experience with Joshua. And boy did Josh surprise us with his responses to packages. I thought that a 4 months old would be complete oblivious to anything. I was joyfully wrong. I place the gift Caleb "bought" for Jockey in Josh's lap. It was a gift bag, and he grapped that thing right away and nearly buried his whole face in it. Caleb of course was excited and curious for Josh and he was jumping up and down. We bought clothes for Josh, which he needed. But I have to say that Auntie Rene and Uncle Mel really his the target with the knitted Slyvester the cat. The stark black and white coloring with a cherry red nose really attracted Josh's attention and he started getting his hand and eyes to coordinate. He would touch and pull on it, and then bring it to his mouth and gnaw on it and drool on it. He really showed an astonishing amount of interest in it for a 4 month old! Thanks.

Christmas eve was delightful. We spent it at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house. Caleb was a little shy entering a room so full of people but by the end of the night he had warmed up and he was jumping up and on people pay as sorts of attention to everyone. He and Tessa are just wonderful to watch interact. Just about like siblings. Their favorite is to hide in the nursery and be silly with each other. Caleb still thinks that what ever she is playing with is the most interesting thing on the market and therefore must be taken and conquered as his own. This did improve though by the time Christmas Day evening rolled around at Aunt Kristina and Uncle Ryan's house. Tessa shared her ball with him and they rolled is back and forth. Tessa gave him a little ring that he was quite proud of. They played a Memory game together, which turned into a stack the cards in the case game. Caleb of course made himself at home in their house. The boots lasted about 10 seconds, his jacket 1 minute. The pants 15-20 minutes. His sock came off within another 10 minutes. I have to say I was really surprised that he left his diaper on. And even more sureprised when he let me put the diaper back on after we used the potty. Caleb did really well at their house and I have to say that I am proud of him for cleaning up when I asked him to.

I loved spending time with Tessa. I learned a good deal about her and about myself in the quality time that we had together. I hope that their are many opportunities for quality time in the future.

I'm cutting this short because I have to get back to regular duties. I will update again later, perhaps even with pictures.

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