Monday, December 19, 2005

"Jockey shouldn't eat cookies"

I don't have much time to write at the moment, however I wanted to share a quick couple stories.

Caleb likes cookies, it is no secret. Today he was trying to be a good big brother and share... With Jockey. He pulled out Josh's pacifier and shoved a piece of cooking into his mouth. I got it out quickly, and I'm proud to announce that Josh hasn't developed a sweet tooth, or any tooth, because his reaction was to wrinkle up is nose and try to mouth-out that "disgusting" thing in his mouth.

We also made it to play group today... In miraculous timing no less; I had to forfeit a shower to do it, but we got there. Today was the first day that Caleb actually play with kids. A few other times he would talk to them and try to boss them, or share because he wanted what they had... But today, he actually spread out his shirt like a picnic blanket and sat down on it in a little huddle of kids. He was talking and playing. It was wonderful to see. Of course he went to his old tricks with interacting with girls and tried to take the pink frilly purse away. At least he was playing with the kids, it can only get better from here.

Potty training has gone so well when we are at home that we had to run to Whole Foods in Bellevue and get some more Dye-Free Candy. Between the candy, stickers, Daddy, and consistency and the happiness and approval we show Caleb things are GREAT. And we were running out of Candy! So we had to stock up. Success is success! Caleb is calling us to come watch him. He is very excited all the time and proud of himself. I'm relieved, I thought that this would never happen, especially when he would say "no!!!!" to every time I had offered. Well, praise God it's a reality.

Well, that's all I have time for now. I have other things to say but they will have to wait.

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