Thursday, December 22, 2005

I don't have much time, but....

The "Things that I didn't think I'd say" list continues.

1) "Are you peeing on me?" Caleb the nudist in potty training evidently can't multi-task; meaning he can't take a bit of my sandwich, spit it back out, and not pee on the person feeding him.

2) "Don't put you [boy parts] on Jockey."

3) "Don't make Jockey touch your [boy parts], if you do that I'll have to put a diaper on you".

I'm not proud that I've had to say these things. Or the showers that I've had to take as a result. But if I didn't put them here, the memory could be lost. This blog has become the record that I'll eventually put in their baby books...or read at their graduations or as their wedding toasts, kidding.

Caleb also has decided that for the time being he likes baths over showers. However, he tells me he wants "bath, no bubbles. Water." He says "no bubbles eyes" and then he tells me the bath time rules of "no drink water" and "no poo bath". At least he knows the rules, even if he doesn't follow them all the time. I just find it funny that he has to go through the rules and type of bath he wants EVERY time that he wants a bath.

Ok time's up for me.

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