Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Well, it had to have happened sometime...

I was hoping that it wouldn't be for quite sometime, but you get what you get. I believe that Josh has a slight Cold. His breathing has started to sound congested at times and this morning he started out with a runny nose (which fortunately has cleared up). He doesn't have a fever and he is as happy as ever, which I'm grateful for both. I think this is just one I'll have to ride out.

Josh is starting to sit upright more and more. And along with that abdomen strengthening is coming is rolling over. He's starting to get the idea that if he moves one way or the other he can throw his weight in one direction or the other. Last night, as he laided tummy down on a pillow the slight slope helped him roll over 4-5 times. He started thinking it was a game!

I checked last night in the children's medical and developement book that I have; Joshua is on target for every physical, social or visual etc expectation. I need to re-weigh him and see how long he has gotten. I believe that he is actually getting to be long for his age. I have even had to put him into 6-9 month sized clothing.

Caleb is sharing his shirt with Josh more and more, and surprise surprise, Josh loves to get a fist around it and shove it in his mouth. Of course, Josh isn't exclusive to just Caleb's shirt, it can be anything fabric. Josh really is more of a mouthy child, and way more drooly that Caleb. I'm going to have to get Josh some bibs.

Caleb is really into pictures lately! Every night he wants "more pictures mom". He still signs More. Which is really cute.. He runs and turns on the Christmas tree and then sits down in front and says more pictures. Or he runs and gets the boppy and sits down and tells me that he is going to hold Josh. Today he told me, as he sat next to the tree with Josh, "me happy mom" and "me lucky, big boy". "Lucky" could have been "Like it", I'm not sure through the toddler-ese what he was saying, either way it was a pleasant statment.

Last night, I needed to drop something off at Uncle Brian and Auntie Brittany's house. When we pulled up, Caleb immediately wanted to get out and see them, he told me he was going to Knock on their door. I let him out and started to retrieve the items for them; Caleb marched right up their walk way. Brittany opened the door before he got to it, and Mr. Silly just walked right in without pausing or missing a stride. He went in and started wandering through the house looking for Buck (their dog) and Uncle Brian. He found them. Then he started showing off, doing somersaults, and running trying to get Buck to follow, and giving hi-fives. He definitely was doing things and waiting for a reaction as if because he hadn't seen them in a while that he was going to make sure they knew how great he was! He even made himself at home by taking off his boots and socks to roll around better. He was so crazy/silly. It was fun to see his acceptance of them. And they really love the boys too. They might even get to come over to see us on Christmas Day.

Well, dinner making time. Bye for now.

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