Thursday, December 08, 2005

It's beginning to look like Christmas at our house.

After three days of working on it, sometimes with Caleb and sometimes with him working against me, the tree is finally done! I think it looks decent, I'm just glad that it is done. The first night of working on it was delightful. I turned on the Christmas carols, and Caleb was dancing with the tunes as he tried to help. Caleb was very interested in putting the ornaments and bells on the tree. He has no sense of symmetry or balance at this stage of the game though. If I didn't rearrange things we would have a very odd tree with identicale ornaments lined up on a branch like birds on a wire. He did well if we went one at a time and I told him where. He liked to say "I did it" and "me help mom". Tonight will be the first night of the tree being done and lit up. I'm excited to show him. Caleb put the first present under the tree. It is for Daddy. He thought that that was cool, but about 20 minutes later he handed it to Mike and told him it was Daddy's. Caleb doesn't understand waiting for Christmas yet. (I know how he feels, I have a particularly good gift that I'm already near bursting to share. Anticipation to share builds and builds and is part of what makes it exciting.)

The other neat thing that we did today was we took out the nativity set. I sat Caleb down and we set it up together. I told him about the Christmas story and took each piece out as they appeared in the story. I think he is understanding more and more. The best thing was when I asked him who one of the figurines were and he said "bebe jees". It was adorable the way that he said that. Of course, after we set it all up, I had to have him look me in the eye and I told him "no touch" for the tree and the nativity set. I think he got it.

Josh is standing quite well. He gets tired of course, but he still likes to stand as much as possible until he is tired. I've finally gotten a picture of him standing with someone; I'd have had a picture of it eariler except I can't take a picture and be in the picture myself without an extra effort.
The exersaucer has been a great thing for him in the short period of time that it has been out. He has a great time and he reachs for things. He gets a great view of the world from it, not laying down or sideways for this kiddo anymore.

Well, gotta go. TTFN.

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