Friday, December 23, 2005


These are two of the best shots from our visit to the Bellevue Botantical Gardens' Garden D'lights!

The last picture is an impromptu compromise. Caleb wanted Joshua to be in the pictures but since he was sleeping I thought it better to let the sleeping baby lay. So I compromised by getting in the pictures with Caleb. He was even more excited about that than the original idea of Joshua in the pictures. However, I am not thrilled with my lack of makeup, hairstyle, super casual attire, and retained pregnancy weight. But as moms everywhere know, you do what makes the child happy sometimes at your own expense or embarassment. That being said, we are both smiling and looking the camera, and Caleb's nudist tendency is covered; for a two and a half year old that combination is an accomplishment!

I'm looking forward to the Christmas festivities. I can't wait to see the joy on Caleb's (and everyone else too) face! That's what makes me have a good time. Caleb has been fantastic and not played with the presents this year! Or the tree! Mostly, he just pushes them out of the way because his favorite place for me to take pictures of him is under the tree! I think the cat has played with the tree more! I'm sure that next year when he realizes that there are surprises inside for him, he won't be able to stay away. I'm making a mental note to be appreciative of that this year. We got fun things for Caleb and the practical as well; my favorite will be to see his face when he opens them. Even better will be his response to Joshu's presents to him. Yes, Joshua went to the dollar store and bought for Caleb, and Caleb doesn't know it yet, but he also shopped for Josh! As for Josh's parents: Mommy has asked him for "sleeping through the night" and Daddy has asked for "walking". At this stage, I don't know which is more likely.

Josh doesn't want to be overlooked or left out. He wants every one to know that he is growing and getting big and impressive. Here is a picture of him standing unassisted beside the couch. He is really showing his Daddy and myself that he is going to keep up with his big brother physically with no problem; he's also able to take his pacifier in and out by himself, which means he is pretty smart too.

We are looking forward to seeing the family for both Christmas eve and Christmas Day. Since it will be a busy few days, I can't promise more updates until after Christmas. Enjoy your holidays and have a Merry CHRISTmas!

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