Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Had to buy storage bins.

Caleb's toys have maxed out the current space. I had to go out and buy storage bins to contain it all. (And Josh is out of 0-3 months clothes, so I had to buy him a storage bin for his "old" clothes too.) Caleb has given each toy it's due time. He's even tried to make Josh play with some of them.

I have had to play race cars a few times. And yesterday I was told, "mommy, I sleep pooh"; I had to process what he was telling me, Pooh has double meanings when you're trying to potty train. I laid him down for his nap and I heard chatter for a while. I went to the bedroom door to see what he was saying. Well, it wasn't him chattering, it was the Winnie the Pooh from Aunt Kristina, Uncle Ryan, and Cousin Tessa saying that friends and honeypots are the best. By the way, to any persons who didn't see this Winnie the Pooh, it is larger than Josh!!!

So I am finally getting the family recovered from the Holidays. It's hard to imagine that an event so fun requires so much recovery, but you all know what I'm talking about. Caleb started being awake for several hours in the middle of the night; he would wake Mike up and bounce on him or talk to him for hours. I knew that that couldn't go on since Mike needs to get up and go to work after the holidays, so I had to set the family goal to getting better sleep. Caleb his just about back to normal. With 4 crazy days, naps off schedule, too early or late or interrupted, so much excitement etc.... turning it back to normal was easier than I thought, but still totally necessary. He's doing much better now; he only woke up once last night and was thirsty.

Caleb isn't the only one whose had too much fun. Josh has been fighting sleep for his morning nap and bedtime. Just too much fun to go to sleep I guess. Last night I learned that squeezing his foot was a comfort and he fell asleep, of course the rules could change for tonight...

I should tell you that Monday, boy did Mike and I luck out. Caleb was wearing his big boy Buzz Lightyear underwear when it was time for his nap. Without thinking of the details, he was put down. We lucked out because at nearly three hours, he woke up dry!!!!!!!! That really could have been messy, instead we were just proud and relieved! That's a good Caleb boy!

Caleb can dress Buzz from inside out now. He got Buzz underwear, Buzz pj's and a Buzz warm-up/jogging suit. He's so cute. I just know that he's going to wear it with his Pooh boots, he's already worn his warm-up suit with his yellow puddle boots!

Caleb was so funny when he finally found a puddle with his puddle boots. He was so excited that he jumped and jumped in the puddle and then had to tell me what he was doing!

Well, Caleb is now playing "peek-eee-bow" with me and I should go and be interactive with him.

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