Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Caleb makes everything worth while.

Yesterday he came home and was so happy to see me. He was very affectionate all night, lots of hugs, lots of kisses, helped with chores. With in the first 20 minutes of being home he said "I miss you, mommy". I just about melted. Of course then he said that he missed himself. But I took what I could get and buried it in my heart. Caleb was so joyful and his usual entertaining, high energy self last night.

We had more success with the potty training. Of course not before a minor disgusting disaster. I was letting Mike take a deserved nap. As I was incapacitated while feeding Josh, disaster struck. Caleb filled his diaper. But before I could finish feeding, Caleb decided that he didn't want to wear that icky thing anymore and took it off. In the process he got the contents on a few things. And of course, Caleb was now naked AND dirty running around and bottom dropping on the couch. But even more exasperating, it must have been that Caleb was so repulsed by the diaper that he tossed it a couple times around the family room. (He could have done it because he thought it funny, because that's what two year olds do, or because I said no no no no.) At that moment, I was nearly screaming in my brain for help from Mike. But not wanting to disturb him and in the interest of limiting how much Caleb was getting around; I gathered myself back up and started to clean up, starting with the moving target. Everything came out clean, and Daddy was relieved that he was sleeping and missed near tradegy. See paragraph one for why I'm so calm.

Josh loves kisses. I kiss the corner of his mouth/cheeks and he starts to laugh, coo and giggle. He even turns his face to get the full on kiss, of course he has his mouth wide open. He is so cute and is just wonderful in how responsive and interactive he is at such a young age. I love every minute of his smiles and laughs.

And astonishment of all, he slept from 10:30 to 4am!!!! last night! I didn't sleep all that time, but he did. Which means progress. I hope that I can keep the scheduling up and my energy up to truly convert him to night sleeping. But my hope if lifted when I see such dramatic, immediate results. Keep up the prayers, they are working.

Bye for now... lots to do.

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