Monday, November 21, 2005

Caleb is so helpful.

Yesterday, Caleb insisted on helping with the laundry. He carried his side of the laundry basket from room to room collecting clothes for the wash. Because he had volunteered to help, and because I found it in some pants that I was going to wash, I gave him .11 cents for a reward. I told him that he was helpful and that he earned it so he could put it in his money jar/peanut jar. Hey, it's a start. I am definitely going to show him that there are chores you do because it's just your responsiblity, there are chores you do simply because they are a help to your mom, and then on top of those there are chores to do extra if you want to EARN spending money. But I have to start laying the foundation somewhere. I have purchased a see through (thanks for the advice mom) money jar for Christmas for Caleb. I hope that he likes it and it will encourage saving.

Caleb continued to be a help by making a homemade pizza with me. He is turning out to be a "tasting cook". You know, the kind of cook that tastes each component of the recipe as you go. He tried olives and cheese, next time who knows.
I might make cookies tonight because I am attempting to make NATURALLY colored frosting so that Caleb's life of food won't be without color. I might have the technique perfected in time for Caleb's birthday, I hope!

I have to tell you something very funny. Apologies in advance if it is a bit off color. Caleb has stopped saying "eat" for when he is hungry. Now he says "hungry".... but it doesn't come out sounding like hungry, but rather "horny". The first time I heard him say it, it took me a while to clue in that he meant food rather than something entirely more complicated that what I wanted to deal with at 6 AM. At 6 in the morning I can deal with breakfast, "Here's your french toast. And Thank you Lord I figured out what he was saying because I was too tired to think of how to deal with the other!"

Well, all of these stories have been about Caleb. So now is time for a little blurp about Josh. I laid him down yesterday and place a mirror next to him. He is really starting to stare at that baby that is staring at him. He sticks his tongue out and talks to him. Early social behaviors I hope

A funny thing, Josh is video camera shy. Every time I turn it on he stares at the lens as if it is going to do something to him. Over interest in the noise it makes of course, but it makes it VERY hard to get him to smile, laugh, or coo on camera. The strange coincidence is that on his ultrasound before he was born, he was also camera shy and tried to block the camera's view with his hands as if he was saying "back off paparazzi". As a mom, I feel VERY grateful that he isn't as digital camera shy so that I can actually get a good smile out of him occasionally.

Well, more later. Time to distract Caleb by having him help make cookies.

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