Monday, November 28, 2005

Happy Monday!

I haven't posted in a while and I've missed writing and reflecting about all that my little boys do that is funny, cute and endearing. So here I am today with a brief spot of time. I hope that what I write is as enjoyable as it will be to write it.

Thanksgiving was a pleasant day. Tessa and Caleb had to work out the wrinkles of learning to share. But after they went up into the nursery/kids play room and shut the door they seem to get along even better. Of course they were bound together in a little mischief. They both took the time to fill their diapers, and then they moved on to playing with the play-doh in the carpet. The carpet was rescued fortunately, but you should have heard the laughs and giggles coming from that room before their activities were discovered. The mess that had to be cleaned up was worth it to hear their joy.

The day ended strangely. We were still at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house, Caleb, nap deprived, requested a grilled cheese sandwich, but he fell asleep before it was made for him. Shortly after falling asleep he woke up hungry. The sandwich was already to go. Caleb cuddled up on Papa Dahl's lap and ate his sandwich; he brushed off the crumbs he dropped on Papa's tummy with his shirt, he gave good hugs and smiles, I think it was worth the extra time at their house. And boy did he ever stretch out eating that sandwich. It must have taken him at least and hour, but it was finished eventually.

Caleb is not yet familiar with the pronouns that refer to himself. He understands ME, but not I or my. So as a replacement, he calls himself "Boy". He told me today "Cut boy's hair". I've tried to get him to say his name even. I'm afraid to say that he refuses to say it, says "Yeah" when I tell him is name is Caleb, or even worse... has pronounced his name as Cable. As in Cable TV, not the name I was going for. Well, he'll get it eventually, just like potty training. That's another effort that has been doubled. He is having a bit more success. It has helped to have Dad back me up on the training and bribery, as well as staying in the family room when he is without a diaper. And he is without a diaper frequently because he has discovered how to undo the velcro tapes, or if that fails he some how wiggles out of them. Not my favorite though is when he throws the used diapers around the room. I can be feeding Josh and zing goes a diaper against the wall above the couch; fortunately to date they haven't been diapers with a load in them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my luck with hold out on that count.

Caleb is starting to interact with Josh even more. It is adorable to watch the relationship between the two bud. Today, Caleb pushed the button on his singing elephant, then he walked over and took Jockey's hands and bounced and swung them saying "dance Jockey". Also this morning, Caleb went and cupped Josh's cheeks in both his hands and kissed Josh on the mouth; Josh liked it, and I was sure to say positive things to Caleb. He was proud and said "Brother me". Caleb has been such a blessing on a few occassions that I have been in the middle of dinner or laundry and Josh has started to fuss. Caleb climbs up and gets in Josh's face and tries to tickle him or smile and laugh at him. The most enjoyable is when the two of them were smiling and laughing at each other; I was pleasantly surprised at how much and how well Josh was responding. Caleb has also begun to understand that Josh is a little person with likes and dislikes. He frequently tells me that Josh likes his pacifier, but last night I was told that Josh doesn't like baths. Although, that last part about the bath could have been because Caleb wanted to take a bath and I said no, mostly because he had just taken a shower and hadn't been dry and in clothes for more than 3-4 minutes. So I'm not a bad mom saying no for bad reasons... it was just a long day and I wasn't in to doing double duty.

Well, Josh is getting ready to get up from a nap. I have to get Caleb packed for another blessed time (for everyone invovled) at Grammy and Papa Dahl's house. So time to go.

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