Saturday, November 12, 2005

Howdy on this Fall Saturday!

We went shopping today for a few needed things. We ended up in North Bend. Caleb was an excellent shopper as far as patience and obediance. As a reward we visited the toy shop. He was even good in there. He looked at lots of items, but he saw the gem, the ideal, his dream toy (something we didn't spy). A really 15" inches tall, all joints moveable, talking, pop out wings, with a helmet that goes "whoosh"...BUZZ! Boy, he is a happy guy! And the parents are feeling very good at making their little boy very happy; we were also very happy that it wasn't expensive!

After shopping, since we were so close to Gi-gi, we stopped in for a visit. Caleb showed off his Buzz to Gi-Gi, and she was dutifully interested and impressed by his toy. Josh also put on some happy smiles and cooed/talked nicely to Gi-gi. Of course, that's not all he did in Gi-gi's arms, but mommy changed that diaper and then he was back to smiling.

Josh has a "pooing-position". Yes, I hate to admit it. My silly son, whom I'm learning new things about every day, does have a certain position in which most of his action happens. And this wouldn't be so bad, except his favorite time is about 5 AM! So instead of letting him grunt and fight it for 2 hours, I have learned to just lay his head and arms over my tummy and leave his knees on the bed and rub his back. He wraps things up quicker and I can get back to sleep faster. Maybe this is another thing that he has nights and days mixed up on and I can switch them around. Ok, a mom can hope, can't she?!

Caleb can order his own drink now just like James Bond. "Juice, no water". I guess that he has learned his parents' secret of making a gallon of apple juice stretch further; he's learned that we water it down. It just struck me as funny that he now is placing requests on how we prepare his juice. I'm still going to water it down, but maybe not so that just a dribble of juice goes in but rather something that he can taste... because he gets really upset if it is water. That's what you get for teaching them how to talk. (kidding, I love the things that he says; see next paragraph for an example.)

Well, I've heard of the males of our species naming their male anatomy unit, but I didn't think that it came at 2 1/2 yrs old. For about a week now, Caleb has called it "food coloring"!!! He has said "food coloring" and slapped his diaper over it, he's said "no food coloring" and wagged his finger at me, etc. The irony is that makes it even more funny is that he is allergic, like Mike, to food coloring. I hope that the duo meaning that it has come to have in our house won't warp him for the future. "no food coloring" indeed, as if that will happen.
Another one for the list of things I didn't think that I'd say: "Caleb leave your food coloring in your diaper for sleeping." (It's not good to leave it out and fall asleep if you're not potty trained.)

That's all for now. Everyone's bedtime here!

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