Sunday, November 20, 2005

Yesterday was a good day

Caleb, Josh and I went with Brittany to visit her mom, Pam. Pam had not yet seen Josh, and she really liked him. She remembered how much work it is to have 2; her girls were 8 months apart, so almost like twins. Caleb played with their dog, Vinny, who was patient and kind in return. Caleb showed off his big Buzz toy, and after lunch we walked to the park that is in the neighborhood. It was nice to visit and just talk, but in addition to that we were blessed to receive a box of boots, shoes, coats and other clothes from Pam; these items were from a renter who had left them... and they are the perfect sizes for right now or in the next 3-4 months! Thank you Pam and the Lord for orchestrating the visit; the Lord has great timing to have us visit Pam on the day that they were going to get rid of the box of items! Caleb LOVES certian items in the box! (see story later about the boots)
It was a good day, but I was sooooo tired by the time I got home. Having missed family naptime, I was glad to get off the road because I was fighting sleep and I told myself that I was not going to drive again until I got some sleep!

I've mentioned before that Caleb has talked in his sleep. And everyone knows that occasionally what is in your conscious slips out when you're unconscious. Given that, I have to tell you what Caleb is shouting out in his sleep! Last night I put Caleb to bed, about 45 minutes later he shouts out..."No Slurpee....5 unintelligible words, Mom". It was funny because I could hear it all the way into my room, and when I checked to see what was wrong... He was totally asleep! Another story, early one morning Caleb has climbed into bed with me. About an hour into sleeping, he says clear as day "Buzz? Buzz!" Buzz's wings pop off quite a bit (by design) and I'm constantly putting them back on, but at least that Buzz toy is bringing him joy when he's asleep as well as awake.

The next story is about this morning, and this is where the boots come in. Caleb woke up, which I didn't know right away because he didn't leave his room immediately. The first thing that I hear is "coming Mom", he walks into my room and says "I did it, boots". I look down and he is in his PJs and the yellow, rubber, puddle boots.... on the wrong feet! (picture to come) He was sooo proud of himself that he had put the boots on his own feet. He had insisted that he wear the boots to the park yesterday, but I thought that his loved of them would stop there, but no he really likes them because he can be independent with them and do for himself. They are just slightly big, hence the ease of putting them on. The boot story continues. I come home from grocery shopping and Caleb is in a t-shirt, diaper and these rubber boots and he is acting crazy... wanting to sweep and cook and chase the dogs.
And as if these boots were great enough.... Gues what was in the box too. POOH snow boots! The world is complete for Caleb now. He has Winnie the Pooh (and tigger too) snow boots, which are also of a size and velcro that he can put them on himself. He spent nearly a half hour last night AND again this morning taking the Pooh boots off and putting the puddle boots on and vise versa again and again and again! It was exhausting to watch as well as a moment of happy pride that he was enjoying his world and the things he has, and what the Lord has provided to me directly or through others, to provide to Caleb.

Well, Caleb has crashed early due to a nap shortage today. Hey, I'll take the toddler free time when I can get it. It's time to feed the littlest Dahl and then off to bed and reading for me! 'Night all.

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