Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Joshua's Nicknames

This is not an exhaustive list, but close:
J.P. Peepers
Joshua Peter Peepers
Little Sweets
Duck Fluff (his hair after a bath)
Chubby Buddy (obvious)
Little Tank
Little Cutie pie (Auntie Brittany)

and he has "Thunder down under", meaning you can hear a diaper change coming because of the explosive nature of the bodily function.

Caleb was very happy with his special Buzz movie surprise. He curled up in my lap and watch with me for about 45 minutes, before I had to get up and cook dinner. But when I came back, he sat next to me and he took my hand and held it for nearly 5 minutes (which is long for his attention span). I felt so special and loved my little Caleb.

Caleb has also developed a growing fondness for Josh, even more than before. He actually cried when a little boy got too close to Josh at Pump it up. And today he had to be told that the kids were just looking at Josh, and it was not ok for a while, but when it was ok, he said "just looking" to the kids. As if it was only ok to look, but no touching... which they also wanted to do. It is funny that the other kids just wanted to pet Josh's head, but Caleb said no, and then he ran a car over Josh's head, hmmm.

My friend in Bellingham recently became pregnant and told me that I now had to mentor her and give her advice and the scoop on raising two. I told her GET SLEEP, and a few other things. But really, I think that if you're going to have 2, you should be sentences to 3 weeks with 3 kids and then having just 2 will seem easy. If you are going to have 3, then you should have to have 4 for a month, etc so that the actual work with the # you intend to have seems like light duty. I say this after the wonderful breaks that I enjoy from double duty when Caleb is at Grammy and Grandpa Dahl's. I still have Josh, so it isn't like I'm my own person, but it feels near miraculous to only maneuver tasks around one child's schedule. Breaks are necessary and nice. Brittany even leaves my house and appreciates the quietness and absentence of being climbed on or jumped near at her house, my response "glad to help you appreciate your life".

Caleb is just so energenic. He has learned to open the garage door, and has taken to enticing one or more of the dogs into the garage... And once they are there, it's anybody's guess what he does with them. Most of the time boss them around and tell them to sit or lay down or pull them by the collar around, or unfortunately hit them with what he can find in the garage, or force them to eat their dog food. (Actually that's a cover, Caleb generally wants to eat the dog food himself and only feeds the dogs when he is being caught red handed.)

That's all for now.

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