Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Another sick day and home from school for Caleb. His fever is still sticking around, but lower than yesterday. Joshy is mostly over the fever, but green stuff-nose, 'nough said.
Daddy felt better today, or at least had no choice because he was covering some's shift.
And (still crossing my fingers) I'm not SICK, per se, just a sore throat/post-nasal stuff... ALLERGIES I'm believing and telling myself. I tried to get a fever yesterday, but a cold drink to cool off the insides and I'm good.

So we are sticking close to home and playing various games. Forts out of card tables, kiddo computer games, haircuts, etc. The kids are as hungry as usual, which is great because being around food right now isn't doing so hot for my stomach. The boys and I are on our own tonight, so I am trying to think of something fun and edible for the boys.

In other news, our camera broke. No more zoom feature for us. Any recommendations? (afforadable PLEASE). I LOVED our camera, and I'm sad to see it go. And as the primary memory capturer for the family, I miss it the most. When I look back at the scrapbook pages I do for each of the boys (one page for each month of life, done at their birthdays) I'm SOOO glad that I have as many memories to pass on to the boys. Caleb had such interest and excitement in the stories and where he was when... All this tells me, that I have to continue.

Just a week to prep the house and pack for California. And then we are gone for 12 days. Fun Fun.
Ok, so that's about it. More as life happens, later.

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