Friday, March 28, 2008

We're in California!

We arrived safely. Transported from the snow flurries of Seattle to the very comfortable sunny mid-high 60's with relative ease.

We got to the airport with plenty of time, security was the better side of what was expected. The boys were well behaved, much to my relief. Although, Joshy did try the leaving of the family bathroom before we (I) are all done trick. Fortunately, I put the bags in front of the door, and this particular room, I could jam my foot against the door. Whew!!! And the boys were mostly patient with waiting.

The plane boarded us right on time. However, there was about a 1/2 hour delay once boarded due to volume on the runways. But that was fine, until as we cued into the runway line up (next in line) Caleb says he has to go potty... and can't hold it. Fortunately the answer, No and you just have to hold it worked. The moment that that seatbelt light went off.... we were off to the back of the plane. Have you ever tried to fit a party of 3 in an airplane bathroom??! It was so loud, Caleb almost couldn't concentrate enough to have success. And I was horrified for an instant when I thought Josh had dropped his pacifier in the toilet, luckily, it had just fallen on the floor (rolling my eyes at myself.... as if the floor was any better, but at least it wasn't lost forever and washable).

The boys were awake for most of the plane trip, the fell asleep about 20 minutes before we landed. About the time they were going stir crazy and making me nuts (because they wanted nuts, they didn't want to sit anymore, they wanted to look out the window, etc) I commanded them to sleep in the best "command in public" way. And they did much to my relief. And the added blessing is that with our recent illnesses, they slept through the difficult decent and head pressure time. (I was awake and having troubles.)

We're here safe and Caleb promptly showed everyone his Cool Moves. (Joshy too, which is a crack up). The boys were both very affectionate and instantly warmed up to Grandma and Papa Bishop. I'm always concerned that the distance causes some kind of barrier to be broken through each time, but I ended up having nothing to worry about! My new camera was here waiting and so far I love it. The boys ate their dinner and literally CLEANED their plates! Without begging, ordering, arguing. Impressive. We finished the evening by watching the Celebrity Apprentice.

So here we are on our first morning. In the sun and planning our activities. The kids are playing in the backyard, or every where with the box of toys that awaited them here. So far so good.
More later, as it comes.

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