Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hello again.

Well, the Egg Hunt and Fundraiser was fun for the kiddos. Although, Joshy, having not napped at all that day, was a bit moody and shocked me with not wanting to participate in the gathering of eggs. Caleb liked the bouncy house, especially since he was in there with his two buddies. He fished, he scooped up ducks in the "duck pond" and he even did the cake walk and won! It was a very nice day of events, and even the weather cleared just in time. The evening ended with Papa Bill and Grandma Judy over for dinner. It was a long day for those who hadn't napped, but fun anyway.

The downside: Joshy got sick the morning of the Egg Hunt... and it has continued. Then Daddy picked it up and has been home the last two days from work. THEN this morning Caleb woke up with a very hoarse cough and a bit of a fever. So we are keeping him home from preschool today just in case he is contagious (preschool rules, no fevers within the last 24 hours.) Although the way he and Joshy are bickering, fighting and biting, you wouldn't know either one of them are sick.
So far, I'm the only one not in the thick of sick (crossing my fingers), but at this stage I am of the mind that it is only a matter of time. I do hope that I'm over all of this by Friday for my MOPS and my work day which cancelling on is not an option. Work must go on. And I hope that we don't have to fly next Thursday with stuffy heads and the cabin pressure of the airplane (yikes!).

Well, that's the story now. I guess I should feel glad that the last time the kids or I were sick was 6 months ago (sept) and not more recently.

So that's what is up with our little family in our little niche of the world. Hope you all are staying healthy, and to do that, you might have to stay at a distance from us for a few days. Only temporary, I'm sure. Have a great day. We will try.

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