Sunday, March 23, 2008

HAPPY EASTER.... aka Resurrection Sunday.

We are home from church today... the Nursery won't take Joshy because of the runny nose of green goo. And Caleb has has a fever in the last 24 hours (more on that in a sec). So we have had to have our own Easter celebration. We listened to a store on CD, music and of course kid-oriented fun. I felt so bad that we missed all the activities yesterday, that I prepared an Egg Hunt here at the house, a game and baskets. So it was a cheery morning of exploring the new $-store toys and chocolate bunny and praying hands... and an egg hunt. I found a package It was a built in Easter activity and so I put the animals in the eggs and hid them. As well as the pieces to the game to be played and a couple stretchy bunnies. Not much, really since I broke open the packages and made multiple gifts out of it all. But the kids had a GREAT time. Even if I had to wipe Joshy's nose 4 times in 30 minutes.

We so far are playing it easy on activities. It's raining out so nothing outside to do really.
I have to do a temperature check on Caleb and see how he is doing. He wasn't bad this morning comparatively....

Yesterday, in the mid-afternoon, about the time I would have liked to go to the last activity that was available, I checked Caleb's temperature and he was ***104.5*****! YIKES! So I know that if you have something that high, generally, the books say, I'm suppose to call the hospital or take him right in... but with little bro sleeping, and I hadn't even tried to get it down, I opted to make some attempt to get it down before I panickked and took him to the ER. I immediately got cold wash clothes and started wiping him down. I made him drink cold fluids and take Tylenol. It was helping, but I wasn't happy with the slow rate that it was dropping. I ended up doing something that I had vivid awful memories of... the cold bath. Caleb was still near 104 and I wasn't happy with that, so I took him in and made him lay in the cold water. I remember screaming and clawing in terror when I was little. Caleb, however, was brave and completely shockingly stellar in his behavior (very very little complaining and no crying) and he was very obedient and laid there. I tried to think back to when I was going through it all and tried to think of what would have made it better for me... what I came up with was a towel over him as he lay in the water and douse the towel so that it wasn't such a shock to his skin. He laid there and I put water and wash clothes on his head and poured water onto the towel. He did so great. And it worked. He came down to below 102 ( I was comfortable with anything in the 101 range). It took 45 minutes to get him down to a reasonable fever temp, but I did it and he was so great. I tried to talk calm and tell him that it was important but not overexplain. He was patient with me taking him temp ever 3-5 minutes. If I had to get a high fever, I couldn't have asked for a better child experience. We ended by putting Vicks on his chest and a nap right next to me so that I could watch him as he slept.

I'd like to say that that was it for yesterday... but about 10:30PM, Caleb spiked up again over 104. Daddy was here this time. Long story- short, after an hour, it did eventually come down with tylenol, a cold shower, ice packs, and a little more drama. Caleb did got to bed with a 101.3 temp with just a sheet over him, other blankets near by, a bible store read to him, and vicks on his chest. AND Daddy's alarm set to 2Am so that the next dose of Tylenol could be given so that another fever spike didn't occur.

Like I said, i haven't checked him this morning because of all the activites, but I know that he isn't soaring/searing hot. But he is due for a check. And we will see how he is.

So that's the story of our Easter. Jesus loves you all and died and rose again for the sins that we have all committed. And fortunately, He is also our healer... and don't think for one second I wasn't praying with all my words for Caleb's temperature to come down... both times.

Have a Great Easter; and remember bunnies, chicks and eggs are cute and Family and ham are pleasant, but He is Risen after buying our Salvation with His life and that's what Easter is really about.

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