Monday, March 24, 2008

It's a brand new week and it is absolutely gorgeous outside.

But, it was another rough night with the sick guy (Caleb).
Mike and I were up late playing Scrabble, and then I didn't go directly to bed, laundry picking up etc. Just as a last thought, just as a mom covering the based so that I can sleep at night... I decided at 12:45am to check Caleb's temperature. That must have been the Lord urging me to check, because he was at 103.6 and climbing. Mike did get up with me and we were in a fight with the fever until 3:30Am because it spiked up to 104.6. Mike even got dressed to take Caleb to the hospital because it was taking too long to get him cooled off, and because Caleb was shaking ALOT. What scared me was that he was sooo hot, but his hands and feet were cold and pale white/bluish. I was worried that with all of his shivering and racing heart that he wasn't getting enough oxygen and he did throw up. He had a cold bath, he had a cold shower, we ick packed his armpit, back, neck and head. We gave him Tylenol, iced water and juice, frozen fruit to eat, etc. Lots of prayer. And it came down.
I was so worried that it would spike back up that I couldn't sleep. We kept Caleb in our room and I even set alarms to wake me up and check his temperature. I didn't even need the alarms until after 5:00am. But I did set one so that I could wake Mike up.

It was a long night. Now Caleb still has a fever, 101 or less, but he feels better than the higher temps, which means he is more fiesty... and after a rough night he is tired too. Me too. Daddy too. BUT, Not JOCKEY! He is running around with 9 hours of sleep, and green streams from the nose. Fiesty, too.

On such a beautiful day, sigh, we could have been feeding ducks. And I'd start packing if I wasn't so tired. Thursday is just 4 days away. Joshy tried to go last night. He pulled on his coat and demanded help finding his shoes. So I asked him where he was going, he said "fornia" he was ready to walk out the door and be there. He was upset that we weren't leaving right that moment.

Well, that's all for now. We are having another quiet day at home, and I'm really hoping that Caleb loses his fever in time to got to school (worry free, not contagious). It would be so sad for him to not even say goodbye to his friends before spring break. But I can't change whatever it is, so I have to just get over it and make sure Caleb's fever stays in a safer range.

That's it for now. I'll keep you posted.

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