Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Where to start. Caleb hadn't had a fever since midday Monday, so he was able to go to school. He was acting whiny, cantankerous, and bossy enough to indicate he was feeling better.

When I dropped him off, he was acting rather subdued, quiet and shy. He would not engage the other kids, he was instead clinging and holding my hand. It was rather unusual for him to do exactly as I asked, and walk over and quietly write his name and find his name card to place in the basket. Normally he is bouncy, chattering, and I'm unable to get his attention let alone get him to obey. He had trouble being around his schoolmates after being gone all last week. Miss Cheryl said that for a while he was really reserved, but he did brighten up after awhile.

When I picked him up, Caleb actually asked to leave, when normally he wants to endlessly run around with his buddies.

Now he is at home and fell asleep in just minutes... and I took his temp... it's back up to 101.2 I guess he added activity of today (more than any other time this last week) wore down his system and set us back.

We'll see, later if he's better.

Joshy is ok. He's getting into everything, climbing everything and being a little bully. And he is insisting that he wear sunglasses and calls himself a "cool dude". And he helped me grocery shop, he likes to hold the list.

I'm hoping tomorrow is better for Caleb.

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